I'm an Illustrator|Designer out of DFW. I have been drawing since the day I was born (that's 100% true).
I draw (pun intended) inspiration from pop culture, movies , comics and the horror VHS covers that terrified me as a child.
I draw (pun intended) inspiration from pop culture, movies , comics and the horror VHS covers that terrified me as a child.
7Eleven, Burger King, Bottleneck Gallery, Terror Threads, Creep-O-Rama, Southwest Review Magazine, Cavity Colors, Fright Rags (Sketch Cards), Spookala, Houston Horror Film Fest, Last Motel Features (Autumn Road), Fright Meter Films (Mrs Claus 2), Overdue Films (Poor Glenna), Hawthorne House Films (Dracula's Coffin) and more.

Spookiest Movie Poster Award - Spooky Empire 2022